International Professional Training

Центр иностранных языков

+7 (495) 228-35-13


BEC (Business English Certificate) is an internationally recognised quaification that is ideal for preparing for a career in business.

There are three different levels of BEC:

  • BEC Preliminary : Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate
  • BEC Vantage : Upper-Intermediate
  • BEC Higher : Advanced

Why take BEC?
Now more than ever, a good knowledge of English is required to succeed in international business and commerce. Moreover many companies require their employees to have an international language certificate. If you can show that you have relevant language skills, you will have a great advantage in the job market and much greater flexibility to work abroad. A BEC qualification will demonstrate that you have learned English to an appropriate standard and can use it in a business context.

BEC is officially recognised by more than 1,000 educational organisations, employers, ministries, government bodies, and professional organisations throughout the world as a suitable qualification for business use. Leading international companies such as Sony Ericsson, Shell, Vodafone, Bayer, Coca-Cola, HSBC, and IBM all recognize BEC.

A single overall grade is awarded, based on the aggregate of marks gained in the four components (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking). There are no Pass/Fail marks for individual papers, so you do not need to reach a particular level in any component in order to achieve a Pass in the examination.

Ther are four grades: Exceptional - Good - Borderline –Weak. The report will indicate your relative performance in each skill. If you pass, you will be awarded a certificate (A, B or C level) from the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Once awarded, Cambridge ESOL BEC certificates are valid for life.

Exam Dates and Fees

How to register for Exams

BEC Exam Preparation Courses